By The Driver on Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Category: THE BUZZ

Friday Night Cruisin'

I lament for the days of when I was young, growing up in a small beachside community. Friday nights meant hanging down at the foreshore, bonding with your mates and enjoying your freedom. These are the nights I remember best, often filled with the familiar smell of guzzling fuel from the exhaust of a V8 - it seems that nearly everyone had one those days. There was a sense of something special, loved and appreciated.

Earlier this month, we at Carligious attended the FNC - Friday Night Cruises - Adelaide event, which has become a loved following for all manor of motoring enthusiast. It's here that I had a glimpse back into my past and all things were right in the world again. Old cars, new cars, bikes and noise - but most of all, a whole lotta love.

The event was responsibly planned and is a testament to promoting healthy community involvement and an appreciation of motoring elegance. What a turnout, so many vehicles, people and smiles.

Events like this really are something to behold. It gives us all a chance to take pride in our labour of love, admire a culture or remember times gone by.

For me, it was about revisiting a feeling not felt in ages. One of my colleagues brought along his young son... for him, it was something new, providing bewildered awe literally like a child in a toy shop. We were happy to see so many fine examples of old and modern day cruisers, too many to give credit to.

So, what we really want to do is endorse this wonderful event to which we intend on being regulars - and hopefully get some follow on articles on the individual vehicles and their owners in the foreseeable future. We'd like to congratulate the organisers and participants.

For me personally, it started on a high, when we had a great chat with the owner of an old GTS Monaro complimenting his Sandman Panelvan right beside.... Sorry, but that was just awesome.
My night ended a little sad though - I'd been looking for a unicorn. As we headed toward our cars to leave, I heard a deep unmistakeable burble - and there she was disappearing toward the exit... draped in white with twin blue racing stripes, a classic Shelby 350 Mustang Fastback... Next time baby, next time.

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